RES Calendar*
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*Times are always current when viewed in Chrome browser. If using another browser, they may appear off when when viewing ahead into the next CDT or CST. Apologies for the inconvenience.
March 2025 Lunch Menu

March 2025 Breakfast Menu

Live Feed
School Hours
Pre-K AM 8:20-11:20
Pre-K PM 12:30-3:25
K-4 8:20am-3:25pm
3:25 Shuttle bus students are dismissed
3:30 Town students are dismissed
3:40 Route bus students are dismissed
Students may begin entering the building at 8:00. Those students who are eating a school breakfast will go to breakfast at 8am and those students not eating breakfast will go to the walking program. Students are not to go to their classroom or lockers before the 8:20 bell.
School Services
Special Education Services
Gifted Education Services
In-Building Counselor
District Speech Therapist
Social Worker
Half-Day Pre-School Program
Site Council
Kristy Andres
June Entz
Genny Mertes
Lori Gillet
Teresa Nash
Cherylen Gift
About RES
Welcome to Remington Elementary!
Our mission at RES is to ensure each child is given the opportunities and supports needed to be a successful learner and gain the skills needed to become lifelong learners, critical thinkers, and problem solvers.
We are a Preschool through 4th-grade building. We currently have approximately 200 students. We have a great team of teachers and support staff that all work collaboratively to provide our students with the best education possible. We realize each student is unique and we work as a team to make sure each student gets what he/she needs to be successful.
Remington Elementary is one of the few schools in Kansas that uses SFA (Success For All). This reading program is designed to meet the student at their current reading level. Students receive reading instruction at their instructional level, despite grade level. SFA incorporates all aspects of the reading curriculum- phonics, listening, speaking, writing, and comprehension. SFA also teaches students to work together and collaborate within Team Talk and Work. SFA has shown to be highly successful for our students. This program begins in Preschool and builds all the way through 4th grade.
We are excited to say there will be some changes coming to RES this coming 2016-2017 school year! Each grade K - 4 will be a 1:1 electronic device classroom. It is exciting to be able to provide our students with the opportunities to learn more about current technology and use these tools in the classroom. It is an important step in deepening and enhancing the learning process for today's learners.
If you visit RES, you will find it is a small school with a huge heart! We would love to invite you to visit and see the great things happening here.